tubular billet

美 [ˈtuːbjələr ˈbɪlɪt]英 [ˈtjuːbjələ(r) ˈbɪlɪt]
  • 网络管状坯料;毛管
tubular billettubular billet
  1. Discussion of Process for TP_2 Copper Tubular Billet in Horizontal Continuous Casting


  2. The analysis and Research on inclusions and gases in 20 tubular billet and crude tube produced in Chengde Iron and steel works


  3. Based on special structure of tube joint and forming property of stainless steel , two processes can be selected to produce stainless steel tube joint forging , which are tubular billet forward extrusion-local upsetting double step combined process and tubular billet forward extrusion single step process .
